New solar power plant on the roof of ORO MET machine park in Košana, Slovenia
solar power
30 Jan 2023
New solar power plant on the roof of ORO MET machine park in Košana, Slovenia
As a part of a public call for tender for co-financing new smaller electricity manufacturing facilities (JR SE OVE 2021), which is published by Ministry of infrastructure of Slovenia, a solar power plant was built on the roof of the manufacturing building of ORO MET d.o.o. in Košana, Slovenia.
20% of the costs for building this power-plant were funded by the European cohesive policy. Dedicated funds for cohesive policy are guaranteed in the Republic of Slovenia's national budget, on the budget of ministry: PP 160327 PN4.2-Renewable energy-14-20-KS-EU. The res tof the costs needed for financing this power-plant are provided by the beneficiary.
ORO MET d.o.o., Neverke 56, 6256 Košana
Purpouse of operation:
The purchase and installation of a solar power plant for producing electricity up to 10MW. Additionally installed power for production of electricity: (MW): 0,498
The results of ORO MET's new solar power-plant:
The solar power-plant construction was finished in July 2022. On the yearly average, it covers 25% of ORO MET's electricity needs, and on a sunny day, it is capable of covering up to 60% of it's needs!
This investment was co-funded by the European union and Republic of Slovenia