• solar power

30 Jan 2023

New solar power plant on the roof of ORO MET machine park in Košana, Slovenia

As a part of a public call for tender for co-financing new smaller electricity manufacturing facilities (JR SE OVE 2021), which is published by Ministry of infrastructure of Slovenia, a solar power plant was built on the roof of the manufacturing building of ORO MET d.o.o. in Košana, Slovenia.

20% of the costs for building this power-plant were funded by the European cohesive policy. Dedicated funds for cohesive policy are guaranteed in the Republic of Slovenia's national budget, on the budget of ministry: PP 160327 PN4.2-Renewable energy-14-20-KS-EU. The res tof the costs needed for financing this power-plant are provided by the beneficiary.



ORO MET d.o.o., Neverke 56, 6256 Košana


Purpouse of operation:

The purchase and installation of a solar power plant for producing electricity up to 10MW. Additionally installed power for production of electricity: (MW): 0,498


The results of ORO MET's new solar power-plant:

The solar power-plant construction was finished in July 2022. On the yearly average, it covers 25% of ORO MET's electricity needs, and on a sunny day, it is capable of covering up to 60% of it's needs!

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19 Sep 2022

Our new Online Simulation Tool