We are well equipped to manufacture custom dimension milled semi-products with high efficiency so that you don't need to use your capacity for rough milling.
Our custom dimension plates are produced according to your exact requirements, so you don't need to make such compromises as when using standard dimension P-plates.
For easier manipulation, we can also manufacture transport threads up to size M48.
10 - 500 mm
20 - 2.600 mm
10 - 4.000 mm
max. 15 t
Parallelity: 0,15 / 1000 mm
Angularity: 0,04 / 100 mm
Steel is a crucial part of the final product's quality, lifetime, and performance. We use only EU premium-quality steel produced by SIJ Group.
You can find more information in the general catalogue or by following the links below:
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