30 Nov 2021

New visual identity for CTO

The implementation of the new HTS visual identity is successfully coming along.

Now it is the turn of our Croatian daughter company CTO. The process entails bringing the visual identity to all forms of print and digital materials. This includes business cards, infrastructure signage, e-mail signatures, and so on.

A part of the new visual identity implementation also includes the webpage. The website address www.cto.hr is now redirected to this website, as all information regarding our heat treatment portfolio is available here.  Information about the company can be found in our "companies" subpage.


CTO is our daughter company located in Zagreb, Croatia. It is an important, strategically located heat treatment center, supporting our customers in the Balkan area.

Read more about CTO here

The road to a new visual identity

Our group's new visual identity implementation activities are well underway. After starting with HTS IC and iTherm at the beginning of the summer, Ravne Steel Center in August, and MWT in October it is now CTO's turn.

This implementation project is a part of HTS Technology Group's journey to becoming visually unified. Once all of our daughter companies will go through this transition, it will be very intuitive for our customers, employees, and onlookers to recognize our brand on all the touchpoints.

Implementation roadmap

The implementation of a new visual identity is being carried out gradually because we want to make the transition seamless and give you enough time to get used to the new visual identity. 

Therefore we will have a two-month transition period, starting in October 2021.

During the transition period, we will update our webpage, presentations, visit cards, trade event visualizations, signage, visit cards, official documents, etc.

As far as other daily business-related matters such as company name, VAT number and registry number are concerned, there will be no changes.

More information

Mario Ivankovič
Phone: +386 1 5000 1 38
Mobile: +386 30 602 909
Email: mario.ivankovic@htsgroup.com